Welcome to my web site. My name is Didier Clairet, and I am an amateur photographer. I am also a keen walker, and all the photos that you can see in the Gallery page have been taken during my walks. Most are views of Yorkshire, where I live. Some are from other parts of England and Wales that I have visited while following long distance trails such as the Coast to Coast Walk, Offa's Dyke Path, the Pennine Way, Lady Anne's Way, or the Dales High Way.
I hope that you will enjoy watching my photos. If you have any comments, suggestions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can do so through the Contact page of this web site.
When I am not walking and taking photos, I am working as a software developer for Three Trees Ltd, a small IT company that I founded about thirty years ago. More information on www.threetreesltd.co.uk.
Talking about software, I would like to take this opportunity to mention Memozine, an application that has been created by Three Trees Ltd and that enables its users to record and organise information about their daily life, activities and interests. I am using Memozine myself to keep notes about my walks, but also about my work, people I am in contact with, places I visit, and many other things. Whatever your own activities and hobbies are, you too could find Memozine useful. I invite you to download the application from www.memozine.com and to give it a try.
All the photos presented in the Gallery page of this web site are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence.
This means that you are free to use any of these photos in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially, but, if you do so, you must mention me as the author of the photo and this web site as its original source.
Please refer to the information provided when you click on the Download button which appears in the bottom right corner of the Gallery page when you have selected a particular photo in that page.